The First International Gravity Chess Tournament
Welcome to the First International Gravity Chess Tournament! This competition will decide the title of the World Gravity Chess Champion, along with excellent prizes for the top three finishers. Come claim your spot in the annals of history!
The double elimination part of the tournament has begun!
The tournament will be run in a round-robin style, followed by double elimination. Thus, each competitor can expect to be somewhere in [11, 14] matchups.
Due to the fundamental asymmetry of gravity chess, each "matchup" consists of two games—one where you play as white, and one where you play as black. Winning both games gets you a score of 1; losing both games gets you a score of 0; winning one but not the other gets you a score of 1⁄2.
Over-the-board games are great, so long as there's someone recording moves. Alternatively, you can play on my amazing Gravity Chess server!
(A one-computer version is available here.)
Are you just doing this to get more data for some twisted analysis of which side has the starting advantage?
Well, AlphaZero is currently playing itself on my laptop way more times than this tournament can have total games, so that is unlikely.
Current prizes:
- Live lobster
- $100 in negotiable Canadian currency
- USD$50 to a charity of the winner's choice
- Sponsor a new prize!
View odds
Round Robin
Dyusha Gritsevskiy |
epic |
Michelle Hung |
Simon Popovic |
Louie |
Derik K |
Joe |
Valeria |
Gal Raz |
epicJames |
Current score |
Dyusha Gritsevskiy |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1⁄2 |
1⁄2 |
3⁄4 |
1⁄2 |
0 |
0 |
a41⁄4a |
epic |
0 |
1⁄2 |
1 |
0* |
1⁄2 |
0 |
0* |
1⁄2 |
0 |
a21⁄2a |
Michelle Hung |
1 |
1⁄2 |
1 |
1⁄2 |
0 |
1⁄2 |
1⁄2 |
1 |
0 |
a5a |
Simon Popovic |
0 |
0 |
0 |
-1* |
-1* |
0* |
-1* |
-1* |
0 |
a-4a |
Louie |
1⁄2 |
-1* |
1⁄2 |
-1* |
1 |
1⁄2 |
1⁄2 |
-1* |
0 |
a0a |
Derik K |
1⁄2 |
1⁄2 |
1 |
1⁄8* |
0 |
0 |
1⁄2 |
3⁄8* |
0 |
a3a |
Joe |
1⁄4 |
1 |
1⁄2 |
1* |
1⁄2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
a61⁄4a |
Valeria |
1⁄2 |
1* |
1⁄2 |
1⁄5* |
1⁄2 |
1⁄2 |
0 |
3⁄4 |
1⁄4 |
a41⁄5a |
Gal Raz |
1 |
1⁄2 |
0 |
-1* |
-1* |
1⁄8* |
0 |
1⁄4 |
0 |
a-1⁄8a |
epicJames |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3⁄4 |
1 |
a83⁄4a |
Games highlighted in pink were played using Ender's Game gravity.
Starred games decided by the International Court of Arbitration for Sport.
Double Elimination
(Seeding reflects current rankings, and is subject to change before the start of DE).
Game records:
Dyusha Gritsevskiy–Valeria (1–0):
Dyusha Gritsevskiy 1–0 Valeria
Valeria 0–1 Dyusha Gritsevskiy
Michelle Hung–Derik K (2–1):
Derik K 0–1 Michelle Hung
Michelle Hung 0–1 Derik K
Michelle Hung 1–0 Derik K
Derik K 1–0 Michelle Hung
Derik K 0–1 Michelle Hung
Michelle Hung 1–0 Derik K
epic–Simon Popovic (1–0):
Simon Popovic resigned. epic wins.
Joe–epic (0–1):
epic 1–0 Joe
Joe 0–1 epic
Michelle Hung–epic (0–1):
epic 1–0 Michelle Hung
Michelle Hung 0–1 epic
epicJames–Dyusha Gritsevskiy (1–0):
epic James 1–0 Dyusha Gritsevskiy
Dyusha Gritsevskiy 0–1 epicJames
Joe–Derik K (1–0):
Joe 1–Derik 0
Game was played on an outdoor board at the Marriott in Oakland on February 26, 2023
1. f4 e5 2. c4 d5 3. b4 a5 4. g4 h5 5. Qc2 axb4 6. Qb2 dxc4 7. fxe5 gxf6 8. exf6 N(g8)xf6 9. B(c3)xf6 B(f8)e7 10. B(f6)xe7 Kxe7 11. Qxh8 Kd7 12. Qxd8 Kxd8 13. gxh5 B(c8)g4 14. N(g8)f6 B(g8)h7 15. R(h1)g1# 1–0
Derik 0–1 Joe
Dyusha Gritsevskiy–Joe (1–0):
Dyusha Gritsevskiy 1–0 Joe
Joe 0–1 Dyusha Gritsevskiy
Michelle Hung–Valeria (1–0):
Valeria 0–1 Michelle Hung
Michelle Hung 1–0 Valeria
Dyusha Gritsevskiy–Michelle Hung (1½–½):
Dyusha Gritsevskiy 1–0 Michelle Hung
Michelle Hung 1–0 Dyusha Gritsevskiy
Michelle Hung 0–1 Dyusha Gritsevskiy
Dyusha Gritsevskiy 1–0 Michelle Hung
epicJames–epic (1–0):
epicJames 1–0 epic
epic 0–1 epicJames
epic–Dyusha Gritsevskiy (2–2; ongoing):
Dyusha Gritsevskiy 1–0 epic
1. c4 b6 2. f4 N(b8)c6 3. b4 e6 4. b5 N(c6)xb4 5. B(f3)xa8 N(b4)xa2 6. Qc2 bxa5 7. bxa6 B(c8)xa6 8. B(c3)xg7 B(f8)xg7 9. Qxg7 Qf6 10. Qxf6 N(g8)xf6 11. g3 a4 12. e3 a3 13. R(h1)a1 B(a6)c8 14. B(a8)f3 Kf8 15. B(f3)b7 R(h8)g8 16. N(g2)h4 R(g8)h8 17. B(b8)xc7 N(f6)g8 18. N(h6)xg8 R(h8)xg8 19. B(c7)b8 Kg7 20. B(b8)xa7 B(c8)a6 21. B(a8)f3 B(a8)xf3 22. Kxf3 R(g8)a8 23. Ke4 f6 24. Kd6 Kf8 25. g4 Ke8 26. g5 fxg5 27. fxg5 Kd8 28. d4 R(a8)c8 29. h4 R(c8)xc4 30. h5 Ke8 31. g6 hxg6 32. hxg6 Kf8 33. R(a2)h2# 1–0
epic 1–0 Dyusha Gritsevskiy
epic 1–0 Dyusha Gritsevskiy
1. c4 e5 2. e3 d5 3. Qc1 h6 4. d3 Qh4 4. f4 Qf5 5. fxe5 Qh4 6. Kd2 gxf6 7. exf6 dxc4 8. Qd1 Qf5 9. Kc2 c6 10. e4 Qd7 11. Kd1 N(g8)xf6 12. B(c3)xf6 B(c8)h3 13. Qf4 B(f8)e7 14. B(f6)xe7 Qxe7 15. Qxh8 Kd8 16. Qxe8 Kxe8 17. N(g1)f3 Kf8 18. N(f6)xh5 N(b8)a6 19. R(h1)f1 R(a8)e8 20. N(b1)c3 R(e8)xe4 21. N(c3)d5 Ke7 22. R(a1)f1 b6 23. N(h5)f4 N(a6)c5 24. N(d8)xc6 R(e8)f8 25. N(c8)xa7 N(c8)e7 26. R(f6)xb6 N(e7)d5 27. R(f6)c6# 1–0
Dyusha Gritsevskiy 1–0 epic
Dyusha Gritsevskiy 0–1 epic
epic 0–1 Dyusha Gritsevskiy
Dyusha Gritsevskiy 1–0 epic
epic 1–0 Dyusha Gritsevskiy